Q.How do i grow Campsis ‘Indian Summer’?
I bought 2 Campsis Indian Summer plants last autumn and planted as advised. One plant has grown extremely well. It has one main shoot, which has grown to 6 feet and has many leaves. It looks very healthy.The 2nd plant, grown in another part of the garden, has not grown well, at all. It has no shoots, a few leaves but it had one flower! What I need to know is how do I encourage more shoots on both plants? Do I have to cut, the very healthy plant, back to where it shooted from this year? Approx 8 inches from ground level. What do I need to do to the 2nd plant to encourage more shoots next year? Any advice gratefully received. Thank you.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Indian Summer campsis needs little care. Plant in full sun in well drained soil. The vines grow rapidly, sometimes reaching 30 to 40 feet in one summer.
Try pruning your vines to encourage more leaf and stem production. Also, the underperforming vine could be moved closer to the other one.