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Yucca Plants

Q.How Do I Get Seedlings From Adams Needle Yucca to Grow More Yuccas

Zone 6 | bethhardy added on August 30, 2012 | Answered

My Yucca plant has lost all of its flowers off the tall trunk and is dried up. Do I cut the trunk (stem) off and how far down do I cut it down? To touch the trunk it is very strong like a branch from a tree. When and how do I get seeds from my yucca to start new ones?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 31, 2012

Remove the seedpods from the spent bloom to collect the seeds for planting. This article can help with that: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/foliage/yucca/propagation-of-yucca-plant.htm

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