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Painted Daisy Plants

Q.How do I get Painted Daisy seeds to germinate?

Zone 35130 | Anonymous added on August 5, 2020 | Answered

I have purchased 5 different packages of Painted Daisy seed and none of them have come up. I started the seed in soil for seed in containers and kept moist, the package said 7 – 21 days to germinate. Can you give me some tips please?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 6, 2020

Growing from seed can be a challenge because of "damping off." This is caused by a fungus that often attacks seed before it ever reaches above ground. I've included information on preventing damping off.
Also, were you careful to only cover the seed with 1/8 inch of soil? Often, people plant seeds deeper than needed for germination.
Another tip is to enclose the planted seeds with plastic till the seeds germinate.



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