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Wisteria Vines

Q.How Do I Get My Wisteria Vine to Bloom

alice added on May 22, 2011 | Answered

I have a Wisteria that was planted close to 15 years ago. Every year it comes up with lush green foliage, winds around a trellis and grows tall, but has never had so much as a bud of flower on it. We’ve tried pruning it (not sure if we did it right). We’ve fertilized it but don’t what else to do. We live in NW Missouri. I had a friend tell me that you had to have a male and a female plant before it would bloom??? I don’t know the difference. . . if that really matters!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 23, 2011
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Answered on May 24, 2011

I had this problem and did alot of research on the internet, only to find my wisteria had gotten so large, it was blooming on my roof and i couldn't see the blooms anymore and thought the tree was dead, until i stood across the street and looked... In my research i found many articles about wisteria trees going through cycles where it was normal not to bloom for a year or so. I also, found articles on stabbing the roots, to bring the plant out of the sleep cycle. I did try this and it did not hurt the plant, it is something you could look up for yourself, though before trying, i was quite surprised to find out this odd method, but apparently it is one technique used. mish

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