Q.How do I get my mock orange bush to bloom?
I planted a mock orange bush 5 years ago and it has not bloomed at all. I was told to give it fertilizer, still didn’t bloom. Was told not to cut it back and it would bloom; it didn’t bloom. Was told to dig around it as if I was going to dig it up, to shock it; it still didn’t bloom. It gets sun (east) all day long.
What variety of mock orange do you have? Is it 'Minnesota Snowflake'? (Philadephus x 'Minnesota Snowflake')? I have read that this particular variety doesn't flower well at all.
Also - any signs of an insect infestation? Insects can affect blooming.
Does your Mock Orange receive consistent moisture?
Perhaps a regular watering schedule would entice this plant to blossom for you.
Here is a link to review proper care and growing requirements.