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Garden Problems

Q.How do I get my flowering plants to bloom in Ft. Myers, FL.

Zone Ft. Myers, FL | Mikki added on November 18, 2015 | Answered

Because of all the rain we’ve had all summer, the bougainvillea bush has never been as green as it is. The hibiscus leaves are gorgeous. The trellis plants (Jasmine and bleeding heart) have filled up the trellis fence almost completely. The ixora bushes are bushy and full. However, there are no flowers. What can I do to get these beauties to bloom? Thanks for any help.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 20, 2015

No blooms can be due to high Nitrogen levels.

You can add phosphorous that will help promote flowering.
Bone Meal is a great way to do this.


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