Q.How Do I Get My Banyan Back To Good Health?
I have a potted banyan tree that is about 25 years old. This year, in the green house, the leaves lost their normal dark green shade and now a very light green to yellow. I just took it out of the green house a couple of weeks ago. While in the green house it did not get any direct sunlight. In years past it survived the winter months in the greenhouse very well. Now I want to get it back to its normal healthy green self. What can I do?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Here's a couple of possibilities: Has the tree been repotted in the last few years? They need to be repotted about every 2 to 3 years. If not, try that and replace as much of the soil as possible with fresh soil and see if that perks it up. Another cause of yellowing leaves is the pot sitting in water. The tree should be watered well and allowed to dry out between waterings. Be sure to discard any water that collects in the reservoir.