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Insect Pest Control

Q.How Do I Deter Slugs And Also Enrich The Soil?

Zone London | Spartacus added on August 8, 2020 | Answered

A mulch that is natural that make the slugs go away would be best. Fruit and vegetables are hard to grow well.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 10, 2020

The best way will be to attract them to slug baits, somewhere away from your garden. Any slug bait will attract them, so using them within your garden will have the opposite effect. Putting the bait poison away from the garden will make them go for the poison, and not your garden.

Here are some articles that will help:




Personally, I use garlic powder. Not garlic salt. Garlic powder tends to keep them out of the soil. Making a spray out of it will allow you to spray plants, as well.

Here is an article that will help:


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