Q.How Do I Care For Post Freeze Of Loquat Trees
Hi. I have 300 linear feet of 20 foot loquats. They are beautiful usually. But we had that snow storm this year that lasted over 8 days and my loquats trees suffered terribly. They are all still alive3. But have 80%+ brown leaves. They do have green leaves too but some trees don’t have many. What am I supposed to do to care for them now? Our weather has been nice enough to water. I have bubblers on most of them and drip a healthy amount 2x per week for 25-40 mins each time. I fed them a seaweed mixture as well at the base.I am so worried about them and no one seams to know what to do for them but wait. Thank you.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
As long as the cold spell wasn't colder than what Loquats normally tolerate, they should bounce back with new leaves. A lot of people across the nation suffered losses on their trees and shrubs, especially if they were just marginally hardy. Loquats can tolerate temperatures down to 10 degrees F, but anything below 27 degrees F will kill the flowers and fruit.