Q.How do I care for my little grapefruit tree?
One day I cut open a yellow grapefruit and in the center was a seed that had sprouted in the fruit. The root was an inch long and the sprout was half an inch. That was over two years ago. The tree is about 3 inches in height now with lots of roots. It appears to have a tap root that is nearly 3 feet long! I want to transfer it to the ground but am unsure if it is safe to do so. I’m putting it in a larger pot with fresh soil for now. Can you give me any tips? I want this little miracle tree to thrive.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I think with a tap root that long, you better get it into the ground. If any inclement weather arrives, you can cover the top growth.
Here's an article that covers the general care needs of the tree: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/grapefruit/growing-grapefruit.htm
The phenomenon you experienced of fruit sprouting within fruit is called vivipary. Here's an article that explains it: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/propagation/seeds/what-is-vivipary.htm