Q.How Do I Care For An Azalea Plant Appearing Dead After 6 Days Of Below Freezing Weather. Do I Just Cut Back?
We had freezing temps for 5-6 days with snow and ice staying on plant for 4 of those days. The plants look dead. Do I just cut them down to a foot or two. They look really bad. They are about 15 years old.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
If you like their size, I'd wait and see if new growth comes in and replaces the brown foliage. You can check to see if the stems are still alive by scraping off some bark. If it's green, it is still alive. Check to see if the flower buds survived. You don't want to cut those off. If you have the newer types that bloom on old and new wood, you will only lose some of the blossoms if you prune now. Here is more: