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Amaryllis Plants

Q.How Do I Care for an Amaryllis That Has Not Produced a Stalk Yet?

barb52 added on January 4, 2011 | Answered

I received an Amaryllis bulb in late November or very early December and it has produced several leaves (5 or 6) but has not produced a stalk yet. . .the leaves measure about 18 inches long. I’m supporting the leaves with Amaryllis supports. Will it produce a bud?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 4, 2011

Amaryllis are usually shipped for sale ready to bud, but sometimes the bud can be damaged during shipping or packaging, which means that it can no longer produce a bud this year. Since it has been since November, it is likely this is what has happened to your bulb and it is unlikely to bloom this season.

You can keep it as a houseplant and it will bloom for you next year. Here are some articles that will be helpful:

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