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Wisteria Vines

Q.How Do I Care For A Indoor Potted Wisteria In The Winter.

Zone Grand Forks BC Canada | Anonymous added on September 22, 2021 | Answered

Hi there! I started a wisteria from seed last winter. It’s about a 12 inches in height now. Its never been outdoors. It’s recently started to drop leaves, but as the weather cools that’s makes sense to drop leaves…maybe? Hopefully! I’m wondering if I should put in a cool/dark space for the winter or grow like an indoor house plant. I would eventually like to have outside and in ground. I’m just waiting for it to get stronger. I live in BC Canada so milder winters but lots of snow non the less.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 7, 2021

I suggest putting it in a cool room near a sunny window. Water lightly for the winter. You could plant it outside if you still have about six weeks before the first freeze. Do you know it could take 15 years for a wisteria to bloom from seed?

Here is more about a wisteria seedling:

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