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Dogwood Trees

Q.How Do I Bring My Dogwood Tree Back to Health?

kathyleigh added on June 9, 2011 | Answered

I recently planted a red dogwood in my front yard. It is in partial shade for most of the day but gets the evening sun. When I planted the tree, I followed the directions and mixed nutrient enriched soil in the hole with the soil from the hole, watered regularly and placed a fertilizer stake by the tree. For weeks the tree did great, but now the leaves are curling up and it looks like they are wilting. What can I do to save my tree?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 12, 2011

It may be transplant shock or it could be too little water. Often, people do not realize how much water a tree needs for the first year. I would increase water to the tree and this article will help with transplant shock:

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