Q.How Do I Bring Back A Jasmine Plant After I Got Rid Of A Bug Infestation?
my confederate jasmine plant ended up with tiny white and black bugs which I did kill and get rid of but I did get them pretty late and now all the leaves are gone my jasmines are just brown stems. I repotted them and gave a little plant food but I’m worried they won’t come back. Is there more I can do? Why are no leaves growing back?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Treatment and repotting should be done far enough apart so that their stresses do not compound to make matters worse for the plant.
Depending on the treatment used (there are many out there on the internet that are absolutely absurd plant killers) many are quite stressful on a plant. The insect damage is, also, very stressful.
Add a repotting that has a high nutrient content, and another stress is added. Feeding after adding a nutrient rich mix adds, yet, another layer of stress.
Compounding stress for plants will usually result in complete loss fairly quickly. Unfortunately, this may be the case here.
When a plant is sick, treatment should be as minimal as possible. Recovery consist of providing proper growing conditions, as the more you try and help the plant, the more damage is done, usually.
You can test if the plant has some life by scratching the surface. Underneath should be green pliable. If it is brown or brittle all the way to the roots, then the plant is dead.
Make sure that the container has plenty of drain holes (I cannot confirm whether it has enough or not, as it is not centered in the picture) Flush a gallon or two of water through the container to make sure that most of the excess nutrients can leave the container.
After this, wait until the soil is COMPLETELY DRY down to about 2 inches between watering.
Care for the plant, perfectly, and you may or may not see recovery.
Here is an article to help you know what care these plants require: