Q.How close to a water well can a compost pile be?
Though I have several acres, I want to compost fairly close to my home and horses area so that I will actually do it! If I’m going to pick up manure to compost and toss it (the right) food scraps, then I need the area to be convenient. One location I considered is probably too close the the aerobic septic spray field, another area is very close to my water well. When it rains heavily, there is some run off, as our land has just a slight slope. I will be able to add leaves and pine needles; actually, they’ll also fall in any location I select to use as a compost area. Any suggestions?

I'm not an expert, and I'm not familiar with the geology of your area, so you would have to consult a geologist or landscape architect for a reliable answer. However, I do know that most wells draw water from the deep water table rather than surface runoff, so would not be affected by the drainage from your compost. This article has some advice on location: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/composting/basics/starting-compost-pile.htm