Q.How Can I Successfully Grow Foxglove Flowers??
HI!! Gardening is something very fun and something I’m passionate about. This is the first time messaging or looking at stuff like this but, I am very interested in growing fox gloves! I think they are very pretty and, their whole design is interesting to me! My real question and concerns are, how can I successfully grow foxgloves? I’m anew gardener and yes, While i live in Arizona, i grow mainly inside our house so weather cant really affect it. However, I found that foxgloves take two years to bloom. Would I be able to start growing them from seed, in a pot, inside our home. Then like, keep it inside somewhere else once its dead for a year or so, and bring it back out? Should I keep it inside for storage, like a spare room or garage, or outside under cover from weather so it can still detect the ranging temperatures? I want to make sure that, by growing it in a pot, keeping it safe for a year, will it actually grow back and bloom?? The growing back is the fear for me, as I get scared if it will or will not grow back. Thank you.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Yes, you can grow foxglove, but it will probably do better outside than inside. They are biennial, which means they complete their life cycle in two years. The first year from seed they send up foliage, then it dies back in the winter. In the spring, it returns and blooms. Then seed forms and in the fall, the seeds drop to the ground. The next spring it starts all over. The seeds send up foliage, etc. So the reseeding keeps them going.
They don't relish hot weather, so you would need to give them some shade, especially in the afternoon. Morning sun would probably do well. You could try some indoors and some outdoors. They can get very tall so they would need a heavy container. The ones indoors may need supplemental light, such as a grow light. And if it goes to seed, you can harvest the seed in the fall.
Also be aware that foxglove is very toxic. So if you have pets or children, you may want to rethink growing it.
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