Q.Save My Squash Plants From Squash Bugs
How can I save my squash plants from squash bugs? I had a problem with them last year. I’ve always grown organic, but it was so out of hand last year, I resorted to SEVIN DUST. It didn’t work, so I set the plants ablaze to avoid infestation of my ENTIRE garden. I planted again this year, only in a spot clear across my property from where I planted last year. I was hoping to avoid reinfestation. I had heard that by spreading mothballs and using Sevin dust before the 3rd leaf grows, you can repel these critters. MYTH!! I did both–40 squash plants, 10 small boxes of mothballs spread throughout. I am now the not so proud owner of 5000 squash bugs. I live deep in the country. . .these critters are like cockroaches. . . THEY ARE IMMUNE TO EVERYTHING. I’m now down to 20 plants, all of which have squash on them but also squash bugs. Someone help. . . PLEASE!
Be sure you're dealing with squash bugs, not stink bugs. They look very much alike and stink bugs will take over in the way your describing. I can relate, having been fighting both the critters myself. I've been using rotenone which seems to kill them off. I am an organic gardener and that's probably the most lethal pesticide I would use. If you chose to use it, please use safety precautions and follow the directions. It is organic, but it is very toxic!!