Q.How Can I Save/ Fix My Purple Velvet Plant?
I received a purple velvet plant for my birthday. It started off kind of slow. Personally, I think it was the energy of the house. But I’ve moved and she (I call her Penelope) has absolutely taken off. I’ve always grown vegetables and such in an outside garden growing up, but I’ve just recently (in the last year or two) gotten into houseplants. So when I moved and she started growing super fast, I thought it was a good sign. I didn’t really do all that much research beforehand, and since it was a gift, and I’m usually pretty good at keeping plants alive intuitively. I didn’t think much of it, but then she was like 2 feet tall and I got a basic plant stabilizer because she was like bowing over. And I did a little more research, and realized I’m supposed to keep her trimmed when indoors. But now winter is almost over, and through this season, she’s been like… losing leaves? or like they’re browning and she looks like she’s been…. THROUGH some stuff ya know. I read she’s susceptible to bugs and viruses but… idk anything about that kinda stuff. So I’m honestly just curious what to do. Do I repot her in winter? Or buy like… something to maybe kill whatever is killing her? or maybe just pull her out and strip down the roots and give her new soil because maybe the soil is the problem? Or do I just like…. trim her down? or even like cut her down bc at this point like she’s thick at the soil level….. and she’s not dead just struggling. I don’t want to lose her, but like…. how do i trim her down and keep her alive… and get her back to where her beautiful self needs to be until i can get her in a bigger space?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
The tips need to be pinched off to force branching for a fuller plant. It looks like it needs more light. Also, these plants only look good about two years. It is important to keep propagating them to keep them going. Cut off about six inches from the end and, after removing a couple lower leaves, put it in a container of moist perlite to root.
Also, make sure you are not over or under watering. These articles should help you care for it: