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Bamboo Plants

Q.How can I revive Black Bamboo?

Zone Wales | hmac63 added on June 13, 2019 | Answered

My garden was landscaped nearly 5 years ago, (2014) I had 3 black bamboo plants planted. Lovely at the start, however didn’t grow much at all. My partner cut them down a bit as they’d lost all their leaves and didn’t seem to be growing. Now in the last couple of works they’ve started producing fresh sprouts among the (I’m going to guess) dead ones. Can I revive the rest of the plants? And also..something random has grown in the same place as one of the bamboo plants any ideas as to what it is? Thank you!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 13, 2019

It is very hard to say what the plant is. Do you have wild apples or pears in the area? It almost appears as a young tree of one of these genus.

As far as your bamboo goes... You will need to amend your soil for the wet climate that it might endure.

Dolomitic lime is probably not going to be easy to come by in your country, although it is completely natural and safe. You will likely have to order online.

Wettable sulfur may or may not be available in your country. The same can be said for that. Online will be your best bet.

Now, you will want to use these once or twice per year. a HANDFUL of DOLOMITIC LIME and a TABLESPOON of WETTABLE SULFUR per plant will help. Mix it into the top layer of soil even around each. Feed the bamboo with a high nitrogen fertilizer each year, as well. This can be a lawn fertilizer, as these are usually suitable.

This article will help you with growing bamboo: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/foliage/bamboo/growing-black-bamboo.htm

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