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Crown Of Thorns

Q.How can I prune my Crown of Thorns houseplant? It is getting quite leggy and going in all directions. Help!

Zone 12466 | SUSAN DOLCE added on June 9, 2019 | Answered

It is quite old and was doing well. Now it is leaning to one side and the new growth is going all over the place instead of straight. Is this normal?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 9, 2019

Pruning is an essential part of the health and care of this plant. Fortunately, this is a very forgiving task for this Genus, and you can pretty much prune it as tall or short as you need.

The only special thing, really, is that you wear gloves, or avoid the sap. It can be quite irritating to the skin. This is a common thing among the whole genus of Euphorbia.

This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/crown-of-thorns/cutting-back-crown-of-thorns.htm

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