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Q.How Can I Permanently Destroy A Large Ugly CONK (mushroom-like Growth)

Zone Oxford, MASS. | Anonymous added on September 2, 2021 | Answered

For storm-safety purposes,6 years ago we professionally removed a healthy white oak tree growing next to our home and also had the stump ground down to 1 foot below soil surface. Last year I noticed among my large daylilies there, that a huge ugly growth had invaded. I removed the growth (CONK) with a shovel and burned it in a metal burn-barrel. The conk returned and I removed and burned it again 2 months ago. Now it has grown again. Do I shovel it out more deeply? Then burn it as before? Should I pour undiluted white vinegar in the dug hole? How can I get the conks to stop their growth?? I know that it is related to the decomposition of the oak’s roots. I do not have any camera or means of taking pictures. I am quite elderly and deaf. Please advise me via my email. Thank you. Christine in Oxford, MASS.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 17, 2021

There is really nothing you can do. They will grow as long as the host plant survives. It won't hurt your other plants to just let it be.


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