Q.How Can I Mark My Iris Plants So I Know What Color I Am Transplanting Once It Is Done Blooming
I have tall and short bearded iris plants of various colors, all in one bed. I wish to move them and spread the colors further from each other than clumped all together in one spot. How do I make sure I have the colors right after they have bloomed? Is there some way to mark the plant? I live in extreme south west Minnesota between South Dakota and Iowa. Is your advice of planting them soon after they bloom the best time, or in the fall, which is when most people here say to do the transplanting? Thank you!

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
There are many ways to tag your rhizomes! This article will help give you some suggestions:
As for when to move them- The end of summer into fall will be the best time. This will give them adequate time to establish before winter, while not being too hot to acclimate. Here is an article that will help: