Q.Kill Ant Colonies Under My Grass
I think I have ant colonies under my grass that is near the back patio. The grass stays a burnt look even though it is getting watered. It is about a 2 X 2 foot area. Sand appears on patio near grass, and the grass is dry and squishy. Is there something I can put on it that would seep through the grass and kill ants below, killing the colonies?
When I had a really bad ant issue close to my back door and even into my kitchen, I set up little food traps. I used Nippon ant killer which is a syrupy type of sweet food which attracts ants. Once the ants have eaten the bait, they then become poisoned and take that poison back to their nests and somehow infect all the other ants. I set the Nippon ant killer out in little trays near the route the ants were taking to my kitchen. Within an hour, I could hardly see the bottom of the tray anymore as so many ants had taken the bait. Literally the next day the amount of visitors had halved and about three days later I had no more ant issues. And they stayed away for several months. I hope that this helps.