Q.How Can I Get Rid Of Japanese Beetles Organically? They Are Destroying My Roses And Rose Of Sharon Plants. Ive Tried The Bags, And
soapy water bucket solutions, but nothing works. help me please. ty. every spring without fail japanese beetles eat all the leaves and blooms off of my roses and rose of sharon plants. they are just horrible.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You have the sympathy of every gardener who has battled Japanese beetles. Preventing them is difficult. They fly in every season. Hand picking and dropping them in the soapy water is the organic way to dispose of them like you have tried. You can also cover their favorite plants with netting for a couple of months. Whatever you do, don't use the traps that attract them, then zap them. Those only bring them in from miles around.
Our rosarian recommends a natural bacteria called milky spore. Read more: