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Lantana Plants

Q.How can I get my Lantana to bloom?

Zone 18302 | Turpin12 added on April 20, 2019 | Answered

I live in Zone 6 in the Poconos of Pennsylvania which, as you know means it’s cold here.
I’ve had my Lantana inside throughout the winter. For some reason I didn’t expect it to bloom. I guess I was just happy that it lived. I’ve attached a photo of the plant with my hand for perspective but the plant is bigger than it looks.
But now that spring is here or almost here, I would like to know if it will start to bloom on it’s own. I was going to pinch it but I thought I would check with professionals.
I look forward to hearing back.
Stacey Turpin

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Answered on April 21, 2019
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