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Hyacinth Plant

Q.How Can I Get My Indoor Ivy Plant to Look Fuller and Less Stringy?

Zone China | stardate1 added on December 3, 2012 | Answered

I’m not sure which variety of Ivy plant I have. Where it comes out of the soil it looks weak and like it could snap off at anytime. However, there are new shoots. It is about 3 feet long but it just doesn’t look healthy. I was thinking about repotting it but I’m not good with plants in general.

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Answered on December 4, 2012

All the above points are good things to consider; here are a few more. It's important to know what kind of plant you have. I'm wondering if you have a true ivy, or if it is possibly a pothos, which is often called devil's ivy, but is in no way related to English ivy. English ivy is not likely to grow 3' long if it's not healthy and well cared for over a long period, but pothos will keep going under the most adverse conditions. How long have you had this plant? A plant that has been doing well for you for several years, then suddenly starts to look weak and unhealthy, is quite possibly suffering from soluble salt build up in the soil, the treatment of which is to run a gallon or so of water through the plant, and/or repot in fresh soil. Or, are there a lot of yellow leaves falling off the plant; this could indicate soil too wet of too dry, or even insect infestation. It looks like, at this point, the thing you need to do is a little more research. I have some short "Green Thumb Tips" on YouTube that you might find helpful at http://www.youtube.com/theficuswrangler. I will also answer any questions you leave for me there at the comments spot.

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Answered on December 3, 2012

From the way you describe your plant, I'd like to ask a few questions.
If the plant is indoors, is it getting a lot of bright light? Many people read that ivy will tolerate low light, and that is true to a point. Ivy will exist for a while in low light, but grows best in a humid location with bright light.
Are you fertilizing? If not, use a well-balanced plant food according to package directions. Ivy uses a lot of nitrogen, so even a fertilizer like 30-10-will work well.
Is your plant overpotted in poorly draining soil? Ivy can be grown in water, but generally water roots are not sturdy.

This article may help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/groundcover/english-ivy/english-ivy-plant-care.htm

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