Q.how can I get my honeysuckle (madreselvas) to bloom?
I had this honeysuckle for 3 years and it has never flowered. It grows very well and I prune it twice a year, fertilize it in the spring…but still no flowers.
Madreselvas is the Spanish name for honeysuckle, Lonicera spp. Hopefully you bought your plant locally, so it should be a good cultivar for your climate. When plants in general don't flower, the two basic reasons are 1) not enough light or 2) too much nitrogen/too little phosphorous. You might try increasing the light for your plant, or work some extra phosphorous in the form of bone meal into the soil. Also, it's just possible that your plant needs a little more time. Perhaps these articles will be of some help to you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/vines/honeysuckle/