Q.How Can I Get My Dwarf Meyer Lemon Tree Back To Lush
Hi, I have him in a pot with rocks on the bottom for drainage, I feed him once a month and try to only water when the soil is dry. I feed him Organic Marine Phytoplankton Soil Enhancer. I also have a grow light on him for 12 hours a day (alhtough it is from China via Amazon so I do not know if it is great). Please help. Please see attached pictures
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This looks like a lack of light and humidity! You will need around 200 watts of true lighting (Not 200 LED equivalency, at least from cheap panels) to keep it happy. If you must go with a cheaper LED panel, I would go up to 400 watts, simply, because these cheaply driven LED's do not reach the efficacy of traditional lighting. You can go true to watt if you choose COB driven LED boards.
Otherwise, LEC or light emitting ceramic (Also known as CMH or Ceramic Metal Halide) is my go to.
The feed of your choosing may be fine, but watch your pH. Generally, a citrus fertilizer will help you achieve the correct soil pH.
Here are some articles that will help you to grow the tree to its potential:
Thank you Bushdoctor. I purchased a 400 watt grow light (not LED). I have had it up for a little over a week and all of the branches have itty bitty small leaves. I am so excited, I thought I killed my little guy.
Thank you SO much! (I hope you see this).