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Philodendron Plants

Q.How can I care for my Philodendren?

Zone Watsonville, California 95076 | Anonymous added on April 18, 2019 | Answered

We have a Philodendren(sp?) that was indoors and got wilted from the Heater running in the AM. We transplanted it into a larger clay pot and when we did found the roots were are curled and bound up like a fist. It started doing better outside. It loves the cool nights(45-55F) and days are 60-70F outside at present but it has started wilting again. Watering does not seem to be an issue as we check daily.
When it was repotted we used good store bought soil from Ace with controlled release fertilizer. We have had this plant for many years and love it so are asking for advice.
What do you think are possible causes for its wilting as if it needs water but doesn’t.
Thank you for any help you can give. Merci

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 19, 2019

These are sensitive to anything under about 50 degrees. This will cause wilting that may not show immediately. They will need a very light, and airy soil. Anything heavy will retain too much water which will kill it. Do you know if this is the vine type, or tree type? This will vary the care slightly.

Make sure to only water these when the soil is almost completely dry, as these can be sensitive to root rot.

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