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Locust Trees

Q.How big do locust trees get

Zone Salem, OR | vickharg added on April 18, 2015 | Answered

My neighbor planted two small locust trees close to the property line next to our driveway and where the water lines run. I am somewhat concerned about the roots getting under our driveway and what impact they might have on the water lines. Is the property line a good place to plant a locust tree? Maybe I could convince her to find a better spot on her property if I had information to give her.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 19, 2015

Do you know what variety of locust tree that was planted? The maximum height of a locust can range from about 40-100 feet depending on the variety of locust tree.

I would say your concerns might have some validity. Here is a link to a website where it was proven that honey locust trees caused damage to somebody's driveway:

I hope that helps.

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