Q.How best to prune my hydrangea
I need to cut back my hydrangea as it is starting to overgrow its location. Please could you tell me how best can I do this but still ensure blooms for next year.
I’m no expert so I’ve had a look at youtube videos, but I’m struggling to understand just where to cut back to reduce the size of the plant and maintain blooms for next year.
The blooms are on the end of green stems which have grown from old wood “branches”.
If I just deadhead now, the bush will be even bigger next year.
Many thanks.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
If you are going to prune, it needs to be done now. Next year's buds will be forming by Aug. 1 in the northern hemisphere. Here is a good reference that tells how far back to prune and when. It also says even after pruning, it will probably return quickly to its former size. I also included one of our articles on deadheading, making sure not to snip the forming buds.