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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Moving Mulberry Tree

Zone 8 | tinkerdidee@gmail.com added on September 18, 2011 | Answered

How and when’s the best time to move a mulberry tree? I have a mulberry tree that was planted too close to my house. It’s about 4′ high, with 2 trunks that are only about 1″ in diameter. Can I transplant it successfully? Or, is it too young?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 23, 2011

Spring or early fall are the best times to transplant.

That being said, the issue is not so much that the tree is too young but rather that it may be too old. Plants where not intended to move around, so the longer a plant is in a spot, the harder time it has moving to a new spot. Yours can be moved, but it will have trouble and you will risk losing it by moving it. This article will help you reduce the chances the tree will die when moved:

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