Q.How and when to take a cutting from a fig tree?
I would like to take a few cuttings from a fig tree. The problem I have is knowing when the dormant season is and how do I determine “well into it”? When I take the cutting do I cut the entire tip leaves and all off at a slant and apply a sealer or do I strip top leaves off and just cut tip at an angle? will any sealer do ie: paint, or a special sealer? I apologize for such questions, but I have never grown anything. Thank you for any insight you can offer.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This can be quite a bit of a task if you aren't familiar with the process. Make sure to take many, many more cuttings that you intend on keeping. Most of them will fail to root even with proper care.
The dormant season is when they shed their leaves, unless you live in a climate where they will not do so. In this case, you will do this when there is no noticeable new growth and it seems to remain "stuck" for a long period.
Ideally, you will want to take hardwood cuttings during this time. This is the process of taking a larger, more mature segment of tree. This can take several months to take root. There will be no vegetation to cut off of a hardwood cutting.
You can also take new wood, or softwood cuttings. This takes less time to root, but can mean it will take longer to become a large tree. This is still the method I prefer.
This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/tgen/how-to-root-cuttings-from-various-shrubs-bushes-and-trees.htm