Q.How and when do you begin planning a non living front lawn?
I would like to create a semi: non living and living garden in my front yard.I have a large bed under the front window and would like to extend it with a mixture of ?gravel/rocks/pea gravel ? substances and intermix with plants I have many hostas some hydrangea and rose,daylilly and asian lillies I don’t know if i should just kill all the grass? then spread the nonliving material as a walkway and then plant? what I need to know is the steps to begin this project. I live in Cleveland ,Oh area. winter is coming soon and I don,t know if I should get rid of grass now or wait until spring?? please advise thank you!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I would say that removing the lawn when it is dead will be much easier than when it is alive. There are many ways to remove grass. These articles will help:
This article will help you to find substitutes for your lawn: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/lawn-care/lawn-substitutes/lagen/non-plant-alternatives-to-lawn-grass.htm
It may also help to lay down landscaping fabric after killing the lawn. This will help keep grass from returning. Then you can lay the pea gravel on the fabric.
This article will offer more information on xeriscape landscapes, which can be utilized with this type of yard: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/special/xeriscape/a-beginners-lesson-in-xeriscaping.htm