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Houseplant Problems


Zone Dayton ohio | Anonymous added on January 22, 2017 | Answered

I have had this plant for a little over a year and I have repotted her before. I just did a few days ago, then I didn’t like that she was leaning so I decided to push her deeper down the pot by removing some dirt this morning, I came home 5 hrs later and she is totally drooping! ? What can I do?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 23, 2017

Make sure you have not used to large of a pot. In most cases the root ball should fit comfortably with about an inch extra room.
Generally going up one pot size is a good rule of thumb. Use a good commercial potting mix and make sure the pot is draining any extra water.
If you can let us know the type of plant that you have, we can give you more specific care information.

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