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Houseplant Problems

Q.Houseplant changing color

Zone 33810 | ktmarsh added on April 5, 2016 | Answered

I have a Dischidia (Million Hearts). I hang it outside in the summer and bring it inside in the winter. I live in Central Florida. I have had it for at least 5 years now. Recently, the leaves have been turning a purplish color. I have never seen it turn colors before. Did I allow it to get too cold (50’s at night). I really enjoy this plant and would hate for something to be wrong and me not try to fix the problem. Can you help? I didn’t know how to load a picture on my computer, but I found an image that looks similar to mine. This is also the only other image with the discolored leaves that I have seen.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 6, 2016

This is likely a nutrient deficiency that is causing the color change in the plant.
Here is a link that will help you pinpoint the cause and how to make corrections to the soil.


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