Q.Hot weather Lily
I recently purchased a lily but do not know it’s name or details about it…apparently it will bloom year round in SW Florida with a small purple flower but I want to search about it’s care..can you tell me what kind it is ?

The Variegated Sweet or Zebra Iris belongs to an ancient group that was the ancestor to our modern Tall Bearded Iris. They are tough, deer resistant, drought tolerant, long-lived and resistant to borers and disease.
Hardy, spring-flowering, rhizomatous-rooted bulb — Fragrant, pale lavender-blue flowers and striking, white-edged leaves
Habit: Flower spikes grow to 4-feet high and stand of foliage spreads to 3-feet wide
Culture: Plant in well-drained garden loam and full sun to part shade
Hardiness: USDA Zones 3 through 10
Enjoy! I grow this Iris in zone 4 and it's beautiful foliage adds so much interest to the garden!