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Hosta Plant

Q.Hostas / Annuals

Zone Zone 5 | Anonymous added on May 2, 2017 | Answered

We are building a new house, intending on moving in the month of Nov. this year, and want to know how we can move some of our Hostas, and Annuals with us ?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 2, 2017

Spring is the best time to transplant hostas; transplanting late in the year won't give your hostas time to adjust. If you can't get them moved in the fall, you might be able to cut them back and winter them in containers (being careful not to overwater). If they were mine, I would split them up, put a few in the ground at the new house, a few in containers and have an experiment.

As for the Annuals, it's going to depend on the individual plants (especially if they're not as hardy as hostas).

This article may help you, and you can search the site for more information on the individual Annuals:


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