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Epiphyllum Plants

Q.Hop do I save my Christmas/ Thanksgiving cactus from dying?

Zone 28226 | Anonymous added on July 20, 2020 | Answered

I inherited my Grammy’s when she could no longer take care of it, I’ve had it a year.m. It was rough for a few months but seemed to be working ok in my kitchen (it wasn’t healthy though just seemed to be getting better once I found the correct window). Now I’ve moved and it’s going down hill again. The leaves keep falling off and they are mostly thing and squishy. There really aren’t that many left!!!! I even bought this plant light hoping that would help. After reading everything you guys have on your website I’m considering repotting it thinking it’s the soil and/or roots. I’m just not sure it will survive. I don’t know what to do!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 21, 2020

I am wondering if you are watering it too much. Do you let it dry out well between waterings? They really need very little care; one of those that doesn't mind neglect. That's what makes me think you are giving it too much of something. It doesn't need a lot of feritilizer either. It does well in bright light, but not direct sun.

It wouldn't hurt to repot and change the soil. Especially if its been getting too much water. Hopefully root rot has not set in.

You may be able to propagate it in case you lose it. Since you only have a few leaves left, just break off one at the segment; let it dry for 3 or 4 days, then insert it (callous side down) part way into a small container of potting soil for succulents/cacti. It should root.




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