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Honeysuckle Plants

Q.Honeysuckle Vines

Anonymous added on August 21, 2011 | Answered

I have two honeysuckle vines in a somewhat shady area. They bloom well in spring/early summer but late summer the leaves yellow quite a bit and drop off or else develop a type of rust on them. I live in mid-Indiana.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 22, 2011

It may be a bit too shady and possibly a bit too damp in the area they are growing. In spring, the trees have not filled in all the way, so they get just enough light to bloom, but as summer progresses and the shade gets thicker as the trees fill out, they get a tad too little light. You might try selectivly pruning the surrounding trees to thin them out a bit and let a little more light through.

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