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Honeysuckle Plants

Q.Honeysuckle vine

Zone yelm Wa 98597 | Anonymous added on July 27, 2017 | Answered

My vine does not do well or last long. It gets powdery mildew every year and does not provide many blooms. It is thin and sparse. How can I make it beautiful each year?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 27, 2017

There are different types of honeysuckle vine. Some honeysuckle, like lilac, is prone to mildew. Conditions that encourage mildew are overhead watering, high humidity and poor air circulation. And it overwinters in the soil so creating splash while watering starts the cycle all over. Do you prune or thin your vine? If it is vine that is non-native to your area, it may not do well in your climate. Mildew solutions include neem oil and the Cornell University Formula: baking soda, light oil, dish detergent in water. Lonicera sempervirens "Major Wheeler" is a cultivar that is said to be mildew resistant.

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