Q.honeysuckle vine
I have two honeysuckle vines/plants that are two years old, south facing, lots of sun and heat. One vine/plant bloomed beautifully but the leaves are yellow and have a bit of rust color around the edges. The other vine (separate plant next to the other), has green leaves but did not bloom and one of the vines just wilted one day. I used Miracle Gro once in early spring. I don’t water often because the trellis receives run-off from our porch roof (it’s been raining fairly regularly). We wanted these for privacy but they have proven to be slow growers height-wise as well. Thank you for your help!
Your plants are still quite young and may not be established quite yet.
I'm concerned that you said you are having quite a bit of rain and the roots sound like they are receiving the run off directly from the roof.
Is the soil draining well?
Honeysuckle would need well draining soil. Some organic matter would be a good idea to add and directing the water run off away from the roots.