Q.Honeysuckle bush problems
My honeysuckle bush has dramatically declined in the last two weeks, lots of dead sections and lots of leaves have a powdery substance covering them
Honeysuckle is prone to powdery mildew, a type of fungus that is most active in hot, dry weather. They can also suffer from aphid infestations. Aphids suck plant juices and cause the affected part (often the tip) to die back. Powdery mildew is certainly unsightly but seldom does serious damage. Aphids can be blasted off the bush with the hose. This will need repeating about every 3 days until the aphids are gone. There are also insecticides that target aphids. Your first step is to carefully exam your plants. Individual aphids are tiny but they tend to congregate which makes them easier to see. Aphid species are solid colored - black, yellow, green, brown or red. Sometimes it helps to take an up-close photo and blow it up on your computer. There are other pests that attack honeysuckle but aphids are most common. The following link goes to an article on home-made aphid control sprays followed by a link to an article on controlling powdery mildew. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/insects/homemade-aphid-control.htm