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Mango Trees

Q.Honey mango

Zone Sydney NSW Australia | Dat added on April 25, 2016 | Answered

I have 3 little Honey Gold mangos that grow out of a single seed in a single small pots. These have large green leaves and look beautiful and very strong. All little plants about 15cm.

Q1. How do I transfer them to large pots; in other words, how do I separate them?
Q2. I want to transfer them to larger pots because they stop growing higher but the leaves keep generating, and looks like a small bush in the pot.
Q3. I also have Keith and Calypso seedling trees in small pots (10cm diameter). All mango trees stopped growing taller but keep growing more leaves, with very strong green trunk and hard too.

Please, can I have some advice?

Many thanks

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 27, 2016

Yes, I would carefully separate and pot the Mango seedlings according to the instructions in the link below.



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