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Peach Trees

Q.homemade organic spray

peachykeen added on July 14, 2011 | Answered

I read w/interest your recipes on homemadel bug sprays. It seems the recipe is only making enough for a veggie patch. I need to treat some peach trees. How long will the mixture stay effective once sprayed? Also, would it be prudent to use the different recipes in order to keep the bugs off “balance” so to speak? Do I need to spray more often than is recommended by commercial sprays?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 18, 2011

Most homemade mixtures need to be reapplied about every 1-2 weeks or after rain or heavy dew.

There is some benefit to rotating the types of spray that you use as some pests can develop a tolerance to certain substances. Rotating can keep these pests "off balance" more often as they get use to the new treatment.

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