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Q.Homemade Organic Fertilizer

Zone 76017 | TxGrown added on December 24, 2017 | Answered

Hi, my name is J.D. I have a small organic garden supply store in Texas. I am currently making a couple different kinds fertilizer I.e. Rabbit tea, lactobacillus serum. I am trying to come up with an organic additive to use that is high in potassium for flowering season. Is there an effective way to use bananas as an additive? Or do you have any other tips? Thanks!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 28, 2017

You can, likely, source bone meal and kelp meal. Kelp meal will give you an organic source of potassium, while Bone meal will give you an organic source of phosphorus. These two should be used together, as they will both contribute to the flowering season. It would be best to supply these together.

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