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Q.Hollyhocks are not sprouting

Anonymous added on June 7, 2015 | Answered

I sowed hollyhock roots in last week of April this year. When are they expected to sprout? I don’t see anything coming out yet. I planted them in sunny location.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 7, 2015

If you sowed seeds, then germination generally takes place within 14-21 days. Since it has been much longer than this, it could be that the seeds were either no good or they were planted too deep. Hollyhock seeds need only be sown no more than 1/4 inch deep.

However, if you actually planted a bare root hollyhock, these should be planted no more than 2 inches deep. They should be showing signs of growth by now, provided the ground temps have sufficiently warmed. I would give it another couple weeks or so, and maybe even a dose of fertilizer to give it a boost. If you still don't see any growth by then, it is probably safe to say that they're not going to.

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