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Zone Albion, New York | dwolcott added on July 21, 2017 | Answered

my hollyhocks were doing wonderful and blooming beautiful flowers. This morning I woke up and didn’t see them out my window and when I went to look they were all laying FLAT on the ground. They were about 6feet tall. I planted them last year. After reading several things on your site, I realize they have rust fungus. I thought it was the Janpenese Beattle that was attracting some of my other plants. I made a mixture of vegetable oil, water and rubbing alcohol I found the recipe for when I googled for the Beattles. So I sprayed some of the Beattles in saw on the hollyhock leaves.
What do you think has happened?
Oh….and we did get a big rain storm yesterday but I don’t know if that’s the reason because I didn’t notice until this morning.
Do you think they will come back up in them owns?
Please help me because I planted them to remind me of the ones my parent had. I’m so upset.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 21, 2017

Tall plants often can be knocked down in storms from wind and heavy rain.
Staking these plants will help.

This article will help with rust fungus treatment and care.


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