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Holly Bushes

Q.Holly Bushes -Yellow Leaves

Anonymous added on July 24, 2011 | Answered

The leaves on my holly bushes have been turning yellow and dropping off. The bushes themselves are growing new leaves and even producing berries; however, they are very sparse. At first I thought it might have been the harsh winter, so I gave them a good fertilization early in the season. They continue to drop their leaves (not just a few, bunches and bunches), and I just don’t want to overlook something and lose them altogether. Any insights would be greatly appreciated!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 25, 2011

Thank you for sending us your question. The following article should be of some help to you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/shrubs/holly/diseases-of-holly-bushes-pests-and-diseases-damaging-holly-bushes.htm

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